Workshops Coming up
For Whanau, Community, Health, Social and Wellbeing Organisations, The Workplace and Schools
Please make contact if you would like a workshop in your area
Other potential Neurodiversity Workshops in process for 2024
Auckland & Te Tai Tokerau
Please advise if you would be interested in any of these areas and we will update you once we know funding outcomes
Reviews and feedback
“As members of the education sector, we are seeing an influx in the number of neurodiverse students being excluded and expelled from schools. No teacher can work from their silos with neurodivergent and anxious children without rapidly going into burnout. Knowledge and Collaboration models, for teachers and all students, build the essence for creating a culture of respect and engagement going forward.” – Leanne Eloff, RTLB Cluster 7
Susan Haldane speaks to Kathryn Ryan (RNZ, Nine to Noon) about the rise in school exclusions happening under the radar and Mind Over Manner’s 400% increase in demand for workshops – link to interview: https://bit.ly/3l3QGe7Re
“I am HUGELY invested, as I am the dad of a 14-year-old boy with ASD and as yet an undiagnosed 12-year-old girl. I am also an Accessibility Advisor at a University. I support many many neurodiverse students. Your passion and knowledge in this area is amazing. The teaching coupled with the theatre examples really tied things together well”. It would be amazing for all schools and for all teachers currently training at schools and universities to do this workshop.
Mind Over Manner Webinar Responses
“I am currently doing your online training – Dialing Up Dialing Down and finding it life changing – for myself and for the students in our school”
“I slowly chipped away at watching the webinars, and I need to say I was blown away. This has by far been the most in-depth and informative series of webinars that I have actively engaged in”
Mind Over Manner Community Responses
2023 Neurodiversity Workshops and Tours
1. Takiwatanga Workshop Series
Te Tai Tokerau Tour October/November 2023 (Funded by Foundation North)
Poster attached above
2. Outward Bound Marlborough. October 2023
3. Massey University Auckland.September 2023
4. Public Workshops May 2023 (Funded by Lotteries NZ)
Wellington – City Art Gallery
Taranaki – Len Lye Govette Brewster
5. Auckland Neurodiversity Professional Development in Education
6. May Road primary
7.Waikōwhai Intermediate
8. Waitakere Alternative Education Consortium
9.NZMA – Auckland Trades Campus
10. Selwyn College
11. Canterbury District Youth Forum
12. Corrections – Rangitahi team
13. Laura Ferguson Brain Injury Trust
14. Odyssey House
15. Methodist Mission
16. Real
17. Ara
18.Enabling Good Lives